Did we mention credit cards? Receiving a new Discover credit card is a part of the process of creating a new account. However,the new credit card that you receive in your mail must be activated before you can start making purchases and build a credit history. uity loans, personal loans, and credit cards.
Did we mention credit cards? Receiving a newDiscover credit card is a part of the process of creating a new account. However,the new credit card that you receive in your mail must be activated before you can start making purchases and build a credit history.
There are different ways to activate your new Discover card, including the online method (discover.com/activate). Let’s learn each method and activate yourcard in a hassle-free way.
Access discover.com/activate to Activate New or Existing Discover Card
Got a new Discover credit card or an existing onein the mail? What is the best way to activate your Discover credit card?
The online method is the quickest way to activateyour card. It is also the most reliable and convenient option. Let’s get started with the activation process below.
How to Activate Discover Card at discover.com/activate without Logging In –
If you don’t have an online account with Discover, you may like to check out the following activation steps.
- Open your computer browser and go to discover.com/activate.
- Select the “Without Logging In” option and go ahead & enter only theprimary card member’s details.
- Enter your Dateof Birth, last 4 digits of SSN, 16-digit card number, card expiration date, and3-digit sequence ID.
- After entering the above details, you can clickthe Continue button.
- A couple of steps more and you will be all set.
Once your card is activated, you can then useit at your favorite store.
How to Activate YourDiscover Credit Card at discover.com/activate by Logging In
Do you already have an account with Discover? Awesome! Here are the steps to activateyour new or existing card by using the existing log-in credentials.
- In the URL bar on your computer browser, type discover.com/activate.
- Enter your key on your keyboard to get the “Let’s Activate Your Card” page.
- On this page, you will need to select the Log In option. (This option is only forpeople who have already signed up with Discover.)
- Enter UserID and Password in the correct fields.
- Next, you will be prompted to enter the three digits sequence ID.
- You can then click the CONTINUE button and follow the on-screen prompts.
- You will see a congratulations message on the screen.
- Your card is now activated.
When you activate your new card, the cardissuer will know that the card is in the hands of the right person. It is onlyafter the card is activated, you can start making purchases at your favorite store.
Can I Activate My Discover Credit Card by Phone?
Don’t want to get into the Internet things and follow a series of steps? Well, you can simply take yourmobile and dial the “number printed on the sticker attached to the front of your card.”
Activating your Discover credit card by phone is one of the easiest ways. However, youneed to make sure which phone you call from. The reason is the card issuer will verify your details, including your phone number registered or associated with your account. Calling from another number will further require additional information and may get the process a little lengthier. The card issuer does this for security purposes.